Social cooperative as a dynamically developing social enterprise


  • Tomasz Gardziński
  • Andrzej Łabenda


social cooperative, social enterprise, social market economy


The aim of the article is to present the dynamics of the formation of social
cooperatives and their possibilities in the socioeconomic sphere.
Social cooperatives are a type of social economy entities in Poland. At the
same time, they constitute an entity closest to and most often classified as a social
enterprise due to its social mission as well as a part of the profit allocated for this
purpose. The Polish state still has difficulties in introducing social market economy
and social transfers are not able to solve all the problems because this concept
works only when it is not treated randomly and is applied in accordance with
the rules, i.e. coherently, in the long term and above all in the categories of the
economic order. As a result, as well as in the face of socioeconomic problems
that the epidemic will generate, the authors of the study see a social cooperative
as a social enterprise that is an entity helping the state to deal with such problems
as unemployment, homelessness or disability.

