Central Industrial District: First plan of sustainable development of Poland


  • Marcin Piętak


COP, BGK, Strategy for Responsible Development


The Central Industrial District [Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy (COP)]
has been the object of scientific deliberations, analyses and research works
for years. The study presents its origin and various stages of the project
implementation. The silhouette of the main founder of COP, Eugeniusz
Kwiatkowski, the Minister of the Treasury and the Deputy Prime Minister
is presented, outlining his main idea, which led him to create a strategy for
Poland. Mentioning the most important investments carried out in COP, the
author shows their considerable momentum and scope. The ability to engage
human capital on such a large scale shows the character of that generation,
their great desire to build a safe and prosperous country for the good of future
generations. The establishment of the Central Industrial Region was Poland
and Poles’ success, raising their quality of life and providing a guarantee of
sustainable development of the national economy. The COP infrastructure
and some industrial plants built there have been used by present generations
until now. The study compares COP to the Strategy for Responsible Development,
defining common features and indicating the directions of Poland's
economic development in both historical periods.

