German political scene


  • Piotr Madajczyk


Germany, political parties, Bundestag, AfD, CDU, CSU, SPD, The Greens, Merkel, Bavaria


The political scene of the Federal Republic of Germany was traditionally
recognised as extraordinarily stable. However, in the second decade of the
21st century the pace of changes in it has clearly quickened and they are
reshaping it in the long term. The changes are conditioned by internal policy
as well as global trends. In the author’s opinion, the change in the German
political scene does not take place rapidly but one can see the weakening of
the left wing, the change of the party playing the role of a pivotal one, and
probably the movement of Christian democracy towards the right wing under
the pressure of radical tendencies. The growing difference between the socalled
old and new federal states constitutes the biggest threat because the
latter prove to be much more vulnerable to the influence of radically right

