Regional aspects of Poland’s foreign policy


  • Kazimierz Kik


European Union, NATO, Visegrad Four, ‘Bucharest format’, Three Seas Initiative, Chinese New Silk Road


Having adopted Henry Kissinger’s thesis that after 1989/1991 the world
entered a transition period from the two-polar world via the present one-polar
world /the US hegemony to the multi-polar world that followed, one must
agree with the thesis that the transition period must be characterised by farreaching
dynamic of changes.
Analysing Poland’s attempts to find place in the world of the transition
period, the author carried out an analysis of internal and external conditions
of Polish foreign policy in the period, and next included it in the analysis
of selected Polish regional initiatives of the transition period. The author
concentrates on four main initiatives of that type, i.e. the Visegrad cooperation,
“the Bucharest format”, the Three Seas Initiative and the new Polish
initiative concerning the Central-European part of the Chinese project of the
New Silk Road known as the ‘16+1’ initiative.

