Development of contemporary “good” immigration to Poland: Outline of legal and social challenges


  • Adam Rogala-Lewicki


immigration policy, foreigners, asylum, multi-ethnicity, discrimination, integration


Economic data clearly indicate that only young, dynamic and well-educated
society achieves success. The most dynamic periods of development rely
on the demographic factor. Social structures in the flowering stage absorb
external resources of human potential. Along with the migration processes,
there are good (conducive to economy) and bad phenomena, ergo one can
indicate bad and good migration (including immigration). Consequently,
a question from the sphere of social engineering, can be formulated whether
it is possible to design a migration processes so that it generates positive
effects, i.e. one that would be useful and would marginally cause tension and
conflicts. Of course, it is difficult for a state that is not wealthy to shape good
immigration. of Mental-cultural problems, information and logistics, legal
matters related to their return home and supervision of the migration processes
are the most important issues. It does not, however, justify the inactivity
of the state apparatus. Migration is a challenge, and in this regard it must
meet with an adequate response of the public sector. Opening a new chapter
in terms of migration policy means to adopt the so-called Global Approach
to Migration in Poland. It means getting the effect of a positive correlation
between immigration and economic development. All developed countries
are countries with high level of immigration. However, Polish society can be
still characterized by a low level of understanding of intercultural contexts.
Poland needs to implement a comprehensive immigration policy that takes
into account indicators of integration. Action is needed to meet the needs of
immigration policy, along with a coordinating body politically responsible for
the implementation of the policy.

