Contemporary content of human rights from the perspective of man’s needs


  • Alicja Ewa Wasilewska


needs, quality of life, multi-generational nature of rights, development


The article is a typical reflection on the values determining contemporary
content of human rights. The values are analysed from the perspective of
contemporary needs of man living in the “net-world” and vulnerable to the
influence of “the culture of cathedrals of consumption”. It is shown that
earthly needs determine modern philosophy of “sustainable development”,
new world order and new vision of the quality of life. It is indicated that there
is an inseparable connection between contemporary content of the rights and
freedoms with the demand for just satisfaction of human needs, decent existence
and sustainable development opportunities in various spheres of social,
political and economic life, which materializes in the area of legitimisation
of the rights of all generations.

