Determinants of R&D Activity - Analysis of the Polish Logistics Sector


  • Jakub Marszałek


research and development, logistics, company, Poland


The aim of the article is to identify factors that significantly affect the level
of R&D and to determine the strength of this impact. The research involved
950 Polish logistics companies. Data from the Local CSO Data Bank from
2007–2015 were used for the study. As explanatory variables, three groups
of potential R&D determinants of the studied entities were distinguished:
intensity of competition, financial performance of the enterprise and
macroeconomic conditions. The analysis was based on descriptive statistics,
Pearson’s correlation analysis and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
and the use of panel models, estimated on the basis of a cross-sectional
sample. The statistical survey was carried out both on aggregate national
values and using data at the voivodship level. The study showed that R&D
activities of logisticsfirms are carried outprimarily by larger companies, which
conduct a conservative financing policy based on low indebtedness and high
liquidity.These firms operate in a low marginenvironment, which significantly
limits development opportunities. The study did not confirm the impact of
competition on R&D activity, which may result from the growth of the sector
itself. However, the availability of road infrastructure and urbanized areas is
a factor that indisputably affects R&D.


