Development and Shift of US Occupation Policy in Japan (1945–1951) in the International Context


  • Mikołaj Kukowski


Amerykańska okupacja w Japonii, naczelny dowódca wojsk sprzymierzonych (SCAP), pakt obronny USA-Japonia, druga wojna światowa, remilitaryzacja Japonii, misja Drapper’a-Johnston’a w Japonii, (czerwona) czystka w Japonii, rozwiązanie zaibatsu, ‘Jinken’ – prawa człowieka, plan Dodge’a, American occupation in Japan, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), US – Japan Defence Pact, Second World War, Japan remilitarisation, Drapper – Johnston mission to Japan, (Red) purge in Japan, zaibatsu dissolution, ‘Jinken’ – human rights, Dodge plan


This article presents shifts of US occupation policy in Japan in years
1945–1951. America’s changing position towards that country at the end
of the Second World War, as well as in the first and second phases of the
occupation is discussed. The international context of this process is presented
and described.


