Issuance of corporate bonds – benefits for issuers and investors


  • Andrzej Janowicz


corporate bonds, European Union, investment, Polish economy, bank


A comment is made in the introduction to the article that the low rate
of investment observed for years and being far below the EU average is the
main barrier to the development of Poland’s economy. The author believes
that this disadvantageous trend may change as a result of the debt instruments
market ‘Catalyst’ established in 2009. With the Catalyst market, on the
one hand, an opportunity for development of funding economic undertakings
with the use of bonds and, on the other hand, favourable and flexible investment
of financial means in debt securities by a bigger number of corporate
and individual investors emerged. In the article, attention is focused on corporate
bonds, which, in the author’s opinion, due to advantages presented in
the article, may constitute the most flexible and efficient source of funding
businesses, which is an alternative to a bank debt.

