Post-modern culture industry management: new paradigm of culture geopolitics


  • Adam Rogala-Lewicki


culture industry, geopolitics, patronage, vanguard, image, creation, global flows of significance


Culture is one of the social and common results of the process of creating
reality. According to Luckmann and Berger theory of social constructionism,
it is a state of constant transmission of knowledge and an effect of multiplied
reinterpretation of the surroundings. At present, the flow of information
is an element constructing culture. Every beam carries a message identified
through the prism of language, tradition, values and symbolism. One
becomes a consumer of culture taking part in other life-related transactions.

The culture of global flows is a phenomenon with no clear source, with no
traditionally identified sender. Contemporary forms of communication more
and more often push the content of a message to the margin of significance.
As a consequence, we observe the effect of culture trivialisation (a phenomenon
of infotainment) included in the category of industry: a concept variation
introduced by Horkheimer and Adorno in Dialectic of Enlightenment. Industry
pushes authors away as it stands in opposition to the vanguard. The products
of culture take part in competition and fight for funding. Maintaining artistic
independence in mercantile surroundings becomes more and more difficult.
Market success is proportionally correlated with the cultural level of brand
significance a carrier of a particular message. Anticipating customers’ (consumers’)
needs, it is necessary to take into consideration economic factors,
however, creating culture, which is the clue of the whole process. In case of
public patronage, funding culture, the state implements its own objectives,
often those of a given political party. It should be taken into consideration
that culture is the most stable unifying force and it is most difficult to change
it. It is not possible to leave a culture family as a result of a single political
decision. Level, quality, cultural achievements of a nation, society (the state)
determines the geopolitical position.

