Educational system in Poland: selected issues


  • Maria Magdalena Grzelak
  • Elżbieta Roszko-Wójtowicz


Education is one of the most important factors in economic growth. The
development of education is a significant element of a state and the European
Union policy. A lot has been done for the improvement of education quality
and the increase in innovation since people realised how important education
is. The EU policy, focused on the equalisation of opportunities between
all the Community states, creates conditions conducive to the development
of education, delegating adequate financial and intellectual resources. The
article mainly aims to discuss the role and significance of the system of education
in the contemporary world, especially taking into consideration the

current situation in Poland. The article is factual in character and it contains
a review of current domestic and European documents concerning the system
of education. Apart from that one part is devoted to a presentation and
an analysis of statistical data. The statistics used let the author present the
situation in the Polish system of education against the background of other
member states. The analysis conducted showing strengths and weaknesses of
the Polish system of education should provide decision-makers with guidelines
on financing and reforming education. The research and conclusions
presented constitute a contribution to further analysis and work in the field,
enriching the knowledge of the system of education in Poland.

