Attempt to assess Poland’s external balance in the period 2004–2015


  • Andrzej Janowicz


The article aims to define the state of Poland’s external stability based
on selected indicators, mainly its international investment position, foreign
debt and other ancillary indexes. The article also takes into consideration
the influence of the ratings that Poland has been assigned by the biggest
credit rating agencies on the cost of foreign debt. The author also attempts
to establish the main reasons for foreign debt and threats it poses to the
economy. The article presents the subjective and monetary structure of debt.
It shows the influence of foreign capital on the quotation and capitalisation
on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) and its importance for the economy.
The article also presents the European Union procedures of monitoring
member states’ external disequilibrium. The author draws a conclusion that
the level of Poland’s dependence on foreign capital is too high.

