On the economic growth of Poland’s macro-regions against the background of uncertain prospects for the European Union


  • Adrianna Trzaskowska-Dmoch


The research problem: determination of the impact of investment in 2007
and 2014 on the level of GDP growth in particular macro-regions in Poland
in the long term. The main issue raised in the article is to define the investment
processes at a macro as well as a micro level from the perspective
of companies in six Polish macro-regions. Investment in selected European
countries, especially in Poland, in contrast to the United States, remains
significantly below the pre-crisis level. The decrease in investment spread
out to all sectors of the market, among others: companies, public sector,
and also households. The aim of the article is to examine the importance of
investment in 2007 and 2014 in individual macro-regions in Poland, especially
at the level of investment in fixed assets identified by modern economy,
i.e. machinery, equipment, means of transport, housing, other buildings and
structures, IT-telecommunications equipment and solutions or intellectual
property. Uncertainty of the future characterizes Europe, especially in the
face of the strong inflow of migrants, against which Europe does not know
how to defend. The research hypothesis: the condition necessary for the
increase in the competitiveness of the Polish economy in macro-regions, as
well as throughout the European Union, is the need to increase the investment
with particular focus on those sectors that have the highest added value
and economic viability, and may become international, which will be conducive
to the competitiveness of the economy. The research method: review of
statistical data, offering hypotheses and an attempt to verify them with the
use of methods that are commonly used in science. Expected results: faster
economic growth of Poland in comparison to European countries.

