Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany toward Russia in the multipolar world order: its objectives, tasks and consequences for Europe


  • Józef M. Fiszer


The article aims to analyse the FRG’s policy toward Russia at the turn of
the century and to present its significance to Europe and the development
of a new global order. Moreover, the author tries to answer many questions
concerning premises of cooperation between Russia and Germany as well as
the threats they pose to European and world peace and security, inter alia,
whether there will not be another Rapallo and whether Russia and Germany
will not try to play a dominant role in Europe. The main thesis of the paper
is an assumption that a way to a new, probably multipolar global order is very
long and that Germany, remembering its history and tragic experiences, will
not return to its policy of cooperation with Russia, which aims to take control
over Europe and divide it again. On the other hand, the author writes, cooperation
between Germany and Russia is indispensible for the stabilisation of
the situation in Europe and the development of a new democratic order in
the world.


