International trade à la carte


  • Jerzy Wieczorek


The new economic order emerging before our very eyes, resulting
from the departure from the multilateral principles in favour of selective
solutions is a consequence of the implementation of philosophy based on
the domination of particular elements over the common ones. Therefore,
such solutions are selected which could be called à la carte, because their
choice from the universal menu suits own interests of those who still have
the most to say in determining global rules. It concerns TFAs which join
countries which sometimes have quite divergent approaches to socioeconomic
philosophy and practical solutions in the field of economic policy.
What binds them firmly, however, is the belief that they should abandon the
burden of commitments within the WTO and follow a new path demarcated
by the TPP, TTIP or TiSA. The fact that it is really determined by the one
who currently has the greatest bargaining power is of course another issue
that can also be considered in terms of the balance of benefits and costs of
accepting such a situation by weaker partners. As a result, we are dealing
with the atomisation of the world exchange in both subjective and directional
terms. This last issue in particular, in the context of the increasing role of
the Pacific region in the global economy, is a good starting point for further


