On revolution 2015 – Arab revolutions revisited


  • Artur W. Wróblewski


The article critically examines the general features of the so-called Arab
revolutions which began several years ago in the MENA region leaving
vast areas unravelled. The author attempts to understand why the region
has never had any luck with the peaceful solutions by dissecting external
factors as well as internal sources. By looking into the transition failures of
societies in turmoil such as Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria more generalised
observations are attempted with view of identifying crucial obstacles inhibiting
the progress of peace initiatives. In the process, the author recreates the
images of past revolutions in the world in order to find universal similarities
and differences. It leads him to the need of underlying the role of ethical
standards in politics and everyday life of societies as one of the key factors
which was indispensable in the successful state-building by referencing to the
reform experience in Eastern Europe between 1989–1991. Also, the distrust
of the Arabs towards the West is explored in the framework of a geopolitical
and historical analysis which recalls the past blunders of Western powers
and explains why manoeuvres of Russians win today sympathy with regional
players such as Syria or Iran.


