Polish political parties’ stand on the Silesian issue exemplified by their attitude towards the Silesian Autonomy Movement


  • Piotr Kocyba
  • Rafał Riedel


The article analyses the attitudes of the Polish political parties towards
the ‘Silesian issue’ based on their attitude towards Ruch Autonomii Śląska
(RAŚ) [the Silesian Autonomy Movement]. Using the available data analysis
as well as the method of individual semi-structured in-depth interviews, the
paper provides up-to-date knowledge about the above-mentioned field. The
predominant majority of Polish political parties (both at the central and the
regional level) have a negative attitude towards RAŚ and its postulates –
among others: the autonomy for the regions, recognition of the Silesians as
a separate nation or the status of the Silesian language. The paper attempts
to systematise the Polish political parties’ position on the ‘Silesian issue’
exemplified by their attitudes towards RAŚ.

