Economy for the common good – establishment of a new paradigm


  • Beata Jamka


Economy for the common good means an absolute paradigm shift, thus
the way of thinking of most scientists about the economy and management,
especially its superior objective that determines the selection of management
tools. The implementation of the economy for the common good is supported
by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the first sentence of which
provides that “The Republic of Poland shall be the common good of all its
citizens.” The basis for the new paradigm of management – the economy
for common good – also seems to be prepared: starting with the idea of
sustainable development showing that GDP is not the only thing that counts,

through the exposure of the role of social capital in the development of
economies and communities, to the indication of micro-economization
stimulated by greed amongst the sources of the financial crisis at the turn of
the 21st century decades and others. However, as the paradigm shift is first of
all a change in itself and as such it is subject to specific rules and procedures,
the necessary conditions for its existence are agents of change. Generation
Y’s authorisation to become an agent of change is its representatives’
community-oriented attitude. On the other hand, the nature of activeness
they demonstrate (in Poland and in the world) indicates a positive mode of
the paradigm shift through dissemination of ‘good patterns’ of particular
communities’/societies’ activities.

