Theory of the common good versus management in self-government


  • Bogdan Nogalski
  • Andrzej J. Kozłowski
  • Iwona Z. Czaplicka-Kozłowska


In the area of management in the public sector, one can observe criticism
of the existing solutions and a search for a new management model. As one
can indicate the paradigms of these sciences in the scope of economics, in
finance or management, one can also indicate the mainstream in the science

of management in the public sector, especially self-governments and the
use of local financial resources, which rejects all the attempts to reform the
system. It is necessary to emphasize that, as in finance in general, in local
finance one can also notice criticism of the hitherto recognised paradigms
and – as a result of the departure from these paradigms – a search for a new
mainstream. In this model, like in financialization, local authorities are
quashing traditional relations between governors and the citizens and do
not recognise members/owners of the local self-government as a partner in
local management. Like a transaction is the essence of developing relations
in contemporary finance, in local management we notice first of all activities
aimed at choices – that is why voters replaced citizens and members of
local community self-government accomplishing a common mission. Thus,
choices are most important and all action is being subordinated to them – this
results in the development of Friedman’s iron triangle of local pathology.
The authors, based on the research conducted for years, besides showing
areas of pathological management in commune self-governments, suggest
implementing new principles – especially a model of managing financial
resources at the local level.

