Sensitivity of an organisation as a condition for the implementation of an idea of the common good in the sphere of human capital management


  • Aleksander Kisil
  • Joanna M. Moczydłowska


The article lets its readers get acquainted with some theoretical issues.
It aims to systemise the knowledge of an organisation’s sensitivity from an
interdisciplinary perspective and present the authors’ proposal for instruments
measuring an organisation’s sensitivity towards its employees. Making use
of the output of psychology, the authors introduce the categorization into
sensory, emotional and social sensitivity of organisations. Within each of
them, they indicate specific activities that, on the one hand can be a proof
for the existence of one type of sensitivity, and on the other hand a hint for
the management staff as to how to build and/or strengthen an organisation’s
sensitivity. They show that an organisation’s sensitivity is necessary and it lays
a foundation for the implementation of the idea of the common good.

