Poland in the European Union: Successes and Failures of the First Decade (2004–2014)


  • Józef M. Fiszer


The article aims to present the effects of the accession of Poland to the
European Union against a broader background of international relations and
the context of changes that took place in the EU in the last decade. Thus,
we deal with a specific balance of successes and failures Poland experienced
in the period 2004–2014. The article shows that, twenty-five years after the
political transformation in Poland and ten years after the accession to the
European Union, our membership in that specific, voluntarily integrated
union of sovereign European states undoubtedly proved to be necessary and
inevitable. Thus, it is the basic thesis of this article. It was the only appropriate
solution for Poland that resulted from its geopolitical location and historical
experiences. Against all odds, it has not harmed our sovereignty and national
identity. The author emphasises that the membership in the European Union
has strengthened Poland’s sovereignty and serves Polish national interest. It
has a positive impact on Poland’s economy and strengthens its prestige on
the international arena.

