Europe and the World in Austria’s Policy in the Context of the 2013 Election to the National Council


  • Krzysztof Garczewski


The author analyses the role of international issues in the policy of Austria
from the perspective of the election to the National Council that took place
on 29 September 2013. The article presents the analysis of particular parties’
approach to those issues, including the Social Democratic Party of Austria
(Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs, SPÖ), the Austrian People’s Party
(Österreichische Volkspartei, ÖVP), the Freedom Party of Austria (Freiheitliche
Partei Österreichs, FPÖ), The Greens – The Green Alternative (Die Grünen –
Die Grüne Alternative, GRÜNE), Team Stronach for Austria (Team Stronach
für Österreich, TS), NEOS – the New Austria and Liberal Forum (NEOS
– Das Neue Österreich), and the Alliance for the Future of Austria (Bündnis
Zukunft Österreich, BZÖ). The article describes the role of international
organisations in the contemporary policy of that country. Attention is drawn
to the debate of that time on the participation of Austrian troops in the UN
operations. The role of history in the contemporary discourse on the Austrian
foreign policy is also an important element. The issues connected with the
attitude towards the Nazi past of the country are worth mentioning here in

