Enterprises managed unconventionally


  • Mieczysław Błoński


The majority of enterprises in the world are conventionally managed.
However, there are companies managed unconventionally, which achieve
excellent results. One of them is for example Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers
Association, an Indian company known as Dabbawala. It employs mainly
illiterates, is a very simple structure and makes only one mistake in 8 million
deliveries. Another unconventional company is Semco, a Brazilian enterprise
using ‘radical democratic solutions’. Other firms are American W.L. Gore
& Associates and Morning Star. The former gives its employees complete
freedom and triggers their extraordinary involvement. The latter promotes
self-management. Other firms managed unconventionally include the Spanish
Banco Popular, organised in the form of a reversed pyramid, and the Polish
branch of a British firm – Hays, placing extreme trust in the employees. All
these companies achieve extraordinary results.

