Can a democratic state be a model for the future development of the European Union?


  • Józef M. Fiszer


The European Union is not a state; it is a specific international organisation.
However, many experts say that the European Union is evolving and is
gradually getting similar to a state and, in the future, can become a federation
of national states; thus its structure will be analogous to a structure and
a political system of a state. The article aims to answer a question whether
a democratic state can be a model for the future development of the European
Union. Moreover, can the model of democracy existing in most sovereign
democratic states in the world be one for the European Union, i.e. be the
basis for its political system and decision making process? In the author’s
opinion, to answer these questions, it is necessary to discuss major differences
between the political systems in democratic states and the European Union
first and answer substantial questions with regard to the European Union
today and what it wants to be in the future.

