International Liberal Movement and the European Integration Processes. Program and Organization Evolution Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe – ALDE


  • Agnieszka Zaremba


Liberals exerted considerable influence on the European integration. Both
politicians associated with liberalism and liberal organizations interested in
the integration of the continent had that impact. There was a feedback: various
interwar ideas of uniting the continent were important for liberal programs
and attempts to develop Trans-European dialogue between political parties.
The article deals with international liberal movement that was involved in the
European policy from the very beginning of its existence. From the late 40s
Liberal International issued documents that confirmed liberals’ influence on
the integration of the continent. Liberals paid attention to democratization of
the Union, European institutions and citizens’ participation in the decision-
-making process. The importance of liberal policy was also indicated by the
participation of freedom parties in member states’ governments, in which
they held key ministerial positions in spite of unstable election results.

