Terrorism as a Threat for the Contemporary International Relations


  • Józef M. Fiszer


Terrorism means using violence and evoking the feeling of threat, fear and
hatred by various political, international, social and religious organizations.
It is a specific form of political fight. It has accompanied people since the
dawn of time and evokes the feeling of permanent threat among states and
nations all over the world.
The article aims at showing terrorism as a threat for the contemporary
international relations and the development of a new international order.
The author tries to present the specificity of contemporary terrorism and
its sources, and answer the question what makes terrorism different from
the fight for national independence. He shows that contemporary terrorism
is a synthesis of everything that is worst in the life of every man, i.e. fear,
aggression, manipulation, forcing people and institutions to act against their
will and violating basic human rights. It is a weapon in the hands of the weak
that want to strike harmfully and in a spectacular way because they cannot
create a real threat on a bigger scale.
The main thesis of the article is a statement that international terrorism,
which has been getting stronger since the beginning of the 21st century, is
one of the biggest threats for the contemporary world.
The article was based on the abundant topical literature, published
documents, and press and Internet sources. Its aim is to make the readers,
especially politicians, aware of the fact that terrorist threat exists all the
time; it has not gone and it is only a question of time when terrorists will
let us know about them again striking harmfully where nobody will expect that.

