Shale Gas in Poland. Environmental Risk or Prospect for Independence from Foreign Supplies?


  • Edgar Czop


The article is aimed at presenting the topic of shale gas in Poland – benefits
and threats connected with its extraction as well as opinions for and
against expressed by politicians and social activists within a discussion of the
topic. The method used in the article is a case study. Such a form of analysis
makes it possible to show various attitudes (of national and foreign parties)
regarding extraction of this gas. The aim of this case study is to show not only
ideas worth implementing but also potential mistakes that must be avoided.
The shale gas case study lets the author draw conclusions what the reasons
and results of the process are and shows political, economic, technical and
social conditions connected with shale gas. The discussion of the analyzed
topic results in a short description of the course of work on shale gas extraction
and an answer to the question whether it is worth extracting. The conclusions
drawn after the research in the field suggest that shale gas creates an
opportunity to become independent of foreign supply of energy resources.

