German Stand on the Issue of Turkey’s Accession to the European Union


  • Piotr Madajczyk


One of the key political discussions taking place in the Federal Republic
of Germany at present is the one on the situation of Muslim immigrants
coming mainly from Turkey. It is connected with another, equally important
one on the purpose to enlarge the European Union with Turkey. German
policy towards Turkey’s accession to the European Union is at a difficult
point. The overwhelming majority of the present government coalition in
Germany is against that accession. Only the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Guido Westerwelle, tried to adopt a more flexible attitude but at present
he has lost political importance. There is an open question how this policy
will change if – what is very probable – after 2012 election the government
coalition changes. The dominating attitudes of the society towards Turkey are
unfriendly and it is also a very strong feeling in the opposition party – SPD.
Therefore, it is really doubtful whether Social Democrats will insist on the
solution that two thirds of the German society reject and that also makes the
party members divided.

