Does Globalization Solve the Problems of the Contemporary World? On Globalization Critically


  • Tadeusz Teofil Kaczmarek


The author keeps criticizing the process of globalization. First of all, he
draws attention to the threats originating from a spontaneous globalization
process. He highlights the issue of disregarding the role of the state in the
contemporary world. And addressing this problem, he asks a question: does
globalization pose a threat to democracy?
The weakening of inter-personal contacts on a regional and global scale
is an unquestionable fact. Another dangerous phenomenon is an increase in
ecological threats in highly developed countries and especially developing countries.
The author highlights many paradoxes connected with the liberalization
of international trade and uncontrolled capital flows in the global economy.
A phantom of neo-protectionism is becoming a danger. He ends his considerations
with a reflection on the ways of “civilizing” globalization.

