Cooperation, Competition or conflict? Relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation


  • Katarzyna Przybyła


The article is an attempt to present the relations between the Russian
Federation and the European Union in the transition period between the
international order that has just finished and the one that is developing. The
author analyzes the relations between the parties on the political, military,
national and international security related, economic and social planes and
also presents optimal scenarios of the relations in the future. In order to do
that she uses such research methods as comparative and critical analysis of
available literature and resource materials.
The analysis of the relations between the Russian Federation and the
European Union lets the author draw a concussion that they are important
for both political players, especially in relation with the perspective of winning
or maintaining the position of a leading actor. Therefore, a conflict
between Brussels and Moscow and too fierce rivalry would not be advantageous.
Both international players, Russia and the European Union, realize
that their co-operation – especially in connection with external threats – can
be mostly beneficial.
An issue that complicates the bilateral relations is the asymmetry of the
parties. Russia is a state that has been a superpower for ages and – in spite
of some economic problems – still holds this position. The European Union,
on the other hand, is only an international organization which, although it
already is an international legal entity, is striving to join the “club of the
chosen”. It is strong economically but not politically.
Disproportions between the European Union and Russia also exist both
in the military field and the social sphere (the systems of the parties’ values).
However, the future of their relations depends mainly on the route they will
choose in the nearest future. Thus it depends on whether and to what extend
the political integration will prove to be successful for the European Union
(what kind of integration the member states will approve of) as well as what
development route and what system of values the Russian Federation will
decide to choose. None of the options has been determined yet. However,
it is certain that Russia’s starting position is better: it is a master of political
games while the European Union seems to be continually too naïve.

