Energy Security – Quo vadis Europe?


  • Paweł Olszewski


The author of the article discusses the issue of energy security starting
with a characteristic comment on Sascha Muller-Kraenner’s book titled
“Energy Security – re-measuring the world”, going through a presentation of
selected European Union plans, ideas and activities in that respect and finally
presenting and examining a new Jerzy Buzek’s and Jacques Delors’ idea to
create European Energy Community. The article discusses issues connected
with dual mutually dependent complex of threats growing on the security axis,
i.e. energy industry and ecology.
There is also an analysis of the necessity to develop a common energy
strategy and the issue of the present domination of particular interests of the
member states which can have a highly destructive effect on the idea of the
European integration. Preparing the article, the author drew on his analysis
of documents and current European Union and member states’ actions. The
conclusions draw readers’ attention to fears about a really common form of
action of the member states due to their varied approach towards the issue
and inability to develop a really common energy policy. The deliberations
led the author to a conclusion that the same sectoral integration that started
the process of European Union creation in the 1950s can be the beginning of its end.

