Methodology of Scientific Research. About Knowledge and Truth in Economic Sciences


  • Tadeusz T. Kaczmarek


The essay I am presenting to the readers is a contribution to the methodology
of scientific research, especially in the economic sciences. I wonder
who scientists are and what broadly comprehended science means. Discussing
these ideas I move to defining basic structures of science and next to
characterizing the incorrect conceptions of scientific methods. It is a very
important issue, especially as with the multiplicity of universities in Poland,
in “closed” circles, pseudo-scientific groups are created, especially in the field
of the so-called financial engineering or computational finance. That is why
I mention F. Bacon’s theory of Idols and inductive reasoning. Finally, I recall
Isaac Newton’s position on hypotheses and reductionism. I dedicate Karl
Popper’s falsification, i.e. a kind of reasoning called verification, especially to young scientists.
The above-mentioned reflections lead me to an issue of knowledge and
truth. This way I come to a conclusion that the essence of truth is conformity of thoughts and believes with reality.
I hope that my reflections will motivate the generation of young scientists
to carry out competent and diligent research in the new century of omnipresent globalization.

