European Parliament after the Treaty of Lisbon Entered into Force and Elections in June 2009


  • Józef M. Fiszer


The European Parliament is one of the major and most important organs
of the European Union and Communities and its role and participation
in those institutions’ decision making process increases systematically,
simultaneously with every successive reforming treaty entering into force.
The present article is an attempt to present the European Parliament after
the latest great events in the European Union, i.e. the election of June 2009
and 1 December 2009, when the Treaty of Lisbon came into force.
The author attempts to answer numerous questions that are asked in
connection with the last European election and the Treaty of Lisbon. He tries
to show how this election and the Treaty of Lisbon changed the image of the
European Parliament and strengthened its competence. He proposes many
interesting theses, including one that the European election of 2009 together
with the treaty of Lisbon are a turning point not only in the history of the
European Parliament but also the history of the European integration and
its effect: the European Union. In the article, there are many references to
Poland and its experiences after the accession to the European Union in 2004
and in the European Parliament. The author proves that today the Poles are
satisfied with the European Union membership and feel more confident in
the European Parliament and in all the European Union salons.

