Poland’s Co-operation with Non-European Union Countries in the Field of Environment Protection


  • Eliza Bujnowska


The article is aimed at analyzing the level of advancement of the
co-operation of Poland with individual non-European Union countries in
the field of environment protection and its influence on the improvement
of environmental standards and pro-ecological modernization of the Polish economy.
The resources are unpublished materials of the Ministry of Environment
and the Ministry of Economy referring to bilateral agreements between
Poland and its foreign partners in the above-mentioned field and the results
of that co-operation, as well as information made available by the Polish
National Energy Conservation Agency.
The conducted analysis shows that thanks to the substantial financial and
technological support provided by such countries as Norway, Switzerland and
Japan our country was given a unique chance to modernize the economy and
maintain high environmental standards not only as a beneficiary of that aid
but also as a country deepening neighborhood co-operation with Russia and
Ukraine, and sharing its experiences with other partners, especially Moldova and Iran.

