Does the European Union endanger Poland and Poland’s reasons of state? Theoretical and practical aspects


  • Józef M. Fiszer


The article aims to answer the question that is nowadays often asked during
scientific discussions and among politicians: Does the European Union
endanger Poland and Poland’s national interests? Under the influence of
criticism of globalisation and its negative effects as well as the mega-crisis,
which the EU has not been able to overcome for a long time, populism and
nationalistic tendencies are growing in Europe and in the world. As a result,
extreme right wing parties glorifying the essence of a national state and
negating the sense of the existence of the European Union, which cannot
cope with the financial and economic crisis, migration, leadership, axiology,
international terrorism and many other problems, come to power. Globalisation
and the EU are deemed to be the sources of those problems, which many
countries in Europe and in the world face. The article presents theoretical
and practical aspects of the European Union specificity and its significance in
international relations, especially for national states – exemplified by Poland
– in the realities of the contemporary, dynamically changing world. The main
thesis is a statement that the EU does not directly endanger a member state
and its national interests. However, in some circumstances, for the benefit of
the majority of its members, it may limit and limits its political sovereignty
and international activeness. As a result, it makes a member state act in a way
that is in conflict with its national interest and the reason of state.

