Scenarios of Human Resources Management Development as a Reaction to Changes in the External Surrounding


  • Beata Jamka


Human Resources Management (HRM) is essentially predetermined
by the external determinants. The aim of the article is to focus on those
processes whose substance and influence power create the utmost challenges
for the HRM in the nearest and further future, and then show the
alternative scenarios for dealing with problems they generate. Therefore,
the attention is focused on the aging processes of the (Polish) society (as an
effect of demographic changes), dematerialization of work (as an effect of
technological changes) and financialization (as an effect of market changes).
Two scenarios of HRM development are presented: the “economizing”
one, which is a continuation of the reactions to global processes that are in
progress (here: talent management, work flexibility, management by results)
and the “humanistic” one, built of alternative approaches (here: diversity
management, flexicurity, corporate social responsibility).

